Proposed mechanisms to proper implementing the general policies in preparing and approving Budget

Document Type : Research/Original/Regular Article


1 Ph.D of public law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. student, public law, Faculty of Law, Qom university, Qom, Iran



There are many violations of general policies in the governmental budget bills and in budget acts by Iranian Parliament. It shows that it is necessary to propose mechanisms in order to increase the possibility of implementation of the general policies. We don't find any research about the mechanisms. So, a question is raised that what mechanisms should be proposed in order to good doing general policies in the preparing and approving budget phrase? To answer the question, we use qualitative method (descriptive-analytical-critical) and refer to library resources (including legal documents, laws and regulations). In addition to critically studying of current mechanisms, we analyze mechanisms related to preparing and approving budget such as: approving guideline of preparing budget based on the general policies, proper using of the high supervisory Council in the process of preparing budget bill, increasing presidential accountability at implementing general policies in budgeting, providing reports of the Commissions enacting and the Parliamentary sessions to the high Supervisory Council.


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